Monday, October 11, 2010

Epiphone Casino Turquoise

with friends in Munich by the personal sound barrier

Actually I wanted to run this year, no fast Marthon. Runs through beautiful landscapes like me better than baiting for best times. Should the 50 km long Swabian Alb Marathon the highlight of the autumn and put me in the standings for the European Cup. Once a week I went with my ex-neighbors Heiko. His overtures to drive him to the Munich Marathon, I long disdained. As the half-marathon in Halle gave me a personal dream time, I reported it for Müchen. The long Runs for the half marathon had crossed more than 25 km, so that in the weeks after missing only a couple of thirties with speed parts. The preliminary design is free of problems and I felt this year not as dreary as the preparation for the fast marathon last year. This has helped ensure that the intervals I almost completely replaced by driving game that I feel and after some very moderately involved in all runs. The

Saturday in Munich has raised anticipation. I admired the timeless Olympic Park, where there was the start numbers. At dinner we met many runners from the forum. Also present was Stephen, I for some Years had lost sight of.

Sunday began with blue skies and low temperatures, which should increase to run optimally 16 °. Sun and enough toilets for optimum Vorwettkampfbedingungen. I left at the start of Heiko and sorted me into the block a sub 3:45. On the green shirt I saw another runner from Rennsteiglauf club. Hans-Jürgen is as loud as he result, sighted on the 3:30. So we walked out together. The commute in the magnificent Louis street was nice and I was looking forward to the English Garden. But the average of just under 5 min / km I found surprisingly not easy and the argument with my partner was more short of breath. I wondered whether scratching in the throat the previous day, but has implications. After having one of the first trees in the English Garden had to look up close, the catch-up proved to be complex. On the narrow roads, overtaking was difficult. When the marathon in Munich next participant wins, we'll just have to find another route. Unfortunately, I saw Lizzy, I wanted somewhere to cheer at 10 km away. I regret that the track will soon be leaving the beautiful English garden, but was immediately applauded by the many spectators at the park exit compensated. I was always better, and 15 km from increased my speed to under 4:50. And I got Hans-Jürgen. I had to watch out that I was not too fast and began to fantasize of negative splits.

The half marathon mark I passed at 1:44. The route now led with surprisingly many easy ascent and descent through uninteresting city streets. At km 28 I know, from experience whether the run is a pain. But nothing happened and I was looking at km 32 of my own fans to take. Before we crossed but two more times the atmospheric Marienplatz and close behind me photographed bass tina.
photo of bass tina
Then I saw my fan club, but after that it was difficult. At one aid station I grabbed a Coke. Only when running away, I realized that it probably was a table with food for a private club. At km 36, I saw my fans again. I stopped the first time briefly to rinse with water, a salt tablet down.
I still had about 3 minutes tabs on the 3:30 and was pretty sure that I can achieve my goal. I tried to run loose, the Garmin min showed a pace of just over 5, but my calf muscles cramp gave signals. There already was the start, from here it was 2 km. Stephen suddenly appeared behind me. I had a déjà vu. A few Years I had this on the Rennsteig happened a few miles from the finish and I had not had the strength to follow him. Also in Munich, I was slower and had to take out pace, because the seizure signals were clear. But Stephen stayed with me. The inflow into the Olympic stadium was then great cinema. Just before the finish he hands me his hand - I take them, tear them up. At 3:29:14 I'm at the finish.
Heiko came later. He had improved his best time from the first marathon by 15 minutes, but was disappointed because he has collapsed completely in the last 12 km. Hans-Jürgen I did not see, he had run the second half was much slower and at 3:47 into the Goal.

My target time is the day after me for actually still unimaginable, particularly because I feel it is also something more. However, I do not know if it is my calling, turning my personal best year to do something more.


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