Sunday, September 6, 2009

Dentist On Saturday Austin, Tx

Panchakama Where, Entschlacken, Entgiften, Ausleitung, Virechana, Vastu, Nasya, Vamana, dig Moksha

Part 4
Panchakama Health - Recovery of slag

After 7-9 days the real preparation begins Panchakama cure. It lasts 5-9 days.

Before 6 clock in the morning taken a laxative, which is determined individually by the doctor.

Ayurvedic means clean vessels, liver, intestine, cells, tissues, etc. The accumulated "ama" will be eliminated through the intestines. Without

Rejection would "Ama" in the body circulate, forming on the vulnerabilities and create again the same or even greater problems as before the Ayurvedic treatment.

Ausleitungsformen depending dosha disorder

• purging (Virechana)
• Enema (Vasti),
• therapeutic cleansing of the nose (Nasal)
• Therapeutic vomiting (Vamana)
• bloodletting (Rakta Moksha)

Ayurvedic treatment

Then follow for 5 to 11-day Ayurvedic treatment with Sinhala herbs, spices, herbs, rice, Seeds, etc.

After this phase of treatment carried out the next diversion.


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