Sunday, September 6, 2009

Katies Playground Free Streaming

Panchakarma Where, Snehana und Svedana, Ghee

Part 6

Snehana and Svedana

A classic ghee treatment lasts up to seven days.

preparation with
Ghee Ghee is clarified butter

, which is administered in increasing dosage in the morning without any other ingredients.

According to the classical Ayurveda, the fatty acids are used as a solvent for fat-soluble toxins.

The dissolved toxins are then excreted in the ghee on the mucous membranes.

An additional heat treatment supports the elimination. It helps dissolve the waste products in the tissues, to transport and excrete.

The fatty acids of ghee are mid-chain and are easily absorbed from the intestine. Due to lack of carbohydrates, the fatty acids in the blood can will not be reduced or removed in fat cells.


Sneha means oily. Oils and fats can be administered internally or externally in the form of massage. The application depends on what diversion is used and what doshas are affected.

Svedana or Swedana

Svedana available for 13 different heat treatments.

The most common is an herbal steam bath. It is heated, the whole body, the mind free.

The heat treatment can be more easily carry away the dissolved waste products from the tissues.

Receptacles face far. The secretion of the skin and mucous membranes increases.

local heat applications are mainly used for musculoskeletal problems.


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