Sunday, September 6, 2009

Do You Get A W2 From Disability?

Pancha Karma treatment, Paschate karma Rasayanas, treatment, detoxification and , detoxify detoxify colon, ayurvedic

Part 10

Paschate Karma-treatment

14 to 18 days Panchakama preparation and cure are not gone without a trace. The body and nervous system demands a lot. The circuit is charged.

Now is the after Ausleitungskur most important stage, the post-treatment, a.

Ayurvedic Nutrition

first be set up fire of digestion and metabolism with light food again. to stabilize

Ayurvedic nutritional advice

To the new equilibrium will be discussed with you a plan for a suitable diet and dosha the recommended lifestyle.


Rasayanas, ayurvedic drugs you are now recommended. They will strengthen your health. After cleaning the tissue through a Panchakarma to the body with energy Rasayanas be strengthened so that to be more resistant to diseases and the aging process are.


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