Sunday, September 6, 2009

What Is It Worth Dresden Sailor Figurine

Ayurveda Pancha Kama, Virechana, removal, health through detoxification, Matra Basti, Anuvasana Basti

Part 8


small intestine

The removal will also be prepared with ghee and heat.

Virechana aims to Pitta associated slag. These include acids, irritable and inflammatory substances.

The diversion affects glands and mucous membranes of the middle abdomen, from the lower part of the stomach to the small intestine.

for a strong Pay is also used castor oil. It irritates the small intestine and therefore facilitates the secretion of Pitta associated slag.


sit in the large intestine, the Vata associated slag. They are different from Basti.

Matra Matra Basti Basti

is oily. It is designed to calm the Vata and bring to the autonomic nervous system of the colon back into balance.

Anuvasana Basti

Anuvasana Basti is a mixture of decoction, oils, herbs and other ingredients. He has a cleansing and Vata calming effect. The enemas are given for several days. A Series begins and usually ends with a Matra Basti.


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